Want to know how the 90 Day Dare tithe challenge is working out for Cypress Pointers? Check out these stories!
90 Day Dare
90 Day Dare
Want to know how the 90 Day Dare tithe challenge is working out for Cypress Pointers? Check out these stories!
"...God took care of us!"
Richie and I were raised Catholic. We were never taught to tithe even though it is written in the bible. When Pastor Dean delivered a message on tithing, we didn’t know what it was. He TAUGHT us in a loving, easy, way to understand this is something we must do. So we were obedient to God and trusted our finances to Him. It was hard for us at first but once we put our faith and trust in what is commanded for us to do, it became a habit. A good habit!
We were soon tested in our faith. Our oldest started college and we promised her we would pay her tuition without either of us having to take any loans. We didn’t have much saved and had no idea how we were going to do this. There were moments of temptation not to tithe and use the money towards something else but we were obedient. Week after week we managed to set money aside and when it came time to pay her tuition, we had it all. We have tried to understand how we put our daughter through college without ever taking loans, but we just can’t. We now know He had his hand on it. So, we took care of our daughter and God took care of us!
-Minnie, a Cypress Point member
"...Obedience one small step at a time."
"We increased our tithing in December, today an unexpected check came in the mail. It's double what we increased our tithing! God is good...obedience one small step at a time."
-Mary & Mike, Cypress Point members
"...we have really been experiencing the opening of the floodgates!"
At the time you issued the 90 Day Dare, Ashley and I were regularly giving to the church through the automatic bank debit system. The amount we were giving was an estimated 10 percent of our income. I say estimated because I was working one part time job at a regular pay rate, and a second job with a base rate plus tips. Neither job had the exact same number of hours, making my income fluctuate from week to week. The amount of our auto-debit tithe was ten percent of an average of a few months. When the 90 Day Dare was issued, Ashley and I discussed it on the drive home from church and had come to the same conclusion. We knew we needed to diligently track all of our income, and write an extra check every pay period to bring us to a true ten percent.
As part of our accepting the 90 Day Dare, we started tracking our finances more closely and tithing properly. Shortly thereafter, we started to witness the blessings promised in the scriptures. We received a check from our OB office for over payment on prenatal office visits. Less than a week later, we used all but $90 of that money to pay for emergency repairs on our car.
A recruiter for Florida Hospital, who had (seemingly) randomly connected with me on LinkedIn a couple of weeks before, posted an ultrasound position at the Wesley Chapel location. I put in my application and was called by the recruiter a few days later to set up an interview. The interview went well, but I left unsure of whether or not I had a chance at the job. Within an hour of leaving the interview, I received a text message from the head of radiology asking if I could come back for a second interview. I left the second interview with an informal job offer. I received a phone call and a formal offer a few days later.
During the hiring process at Florida Hospital, I attended the Christmas party for the urology department at USF (where I was already working in ultrasound). Another ultrasound tech, that I was talking to at the party, told me that Tampa General Hospital was always looking for sonographers. She told me that I could always get some hours here if I ever applied. To be realistic, I am not in the market for a third job, but the blessing was in knowing that I might have even more opportunities in my field than I ever thought.
Needless to say, we have really been experiencing the opening of the floodgates! As a result of our diligence and proper tithing, we now have to reevaluate our income and increase our giving accordingly.
-Cole & Ashley, Cypress Point members
"... the blessings rain down on us."
"Gods Blessings & greetings to you & our church. We tithe and I can testify every year the Blessings rain down on us. Even since accepting the tithe challenge our family has been blessed with good tidings. First we received an escrow check. Next the IRS notified us that we needed to pay thousands in back taxes we miscalculated. After we sent in the necessary documents they realized it was only hundreds of dollars. To top it all off we all have been assigned extra hours on our jobs. God is so good. Amen. Thank you Pastor Dean."
- Winston, Cypress Point member
"...It's really amazing!"
"I should share that business was down in the last 6 months and since increasing my tithing, I have had 3 new listings, two current listings go to contract, and several new prospective buyers (two that resurfaced, and three new ones). That's a lot of new business! It's really amazing! "
-Missy, Cypress Point member
"...We were believing that if we remained faithful to our giving commitments, that God would be faithful with us."
2015 was a very hard year for Christian and I financially. My appendix ruptured and I was in the hospital and doctor’s offices for the first two weeks of January, but I we had no insurance at the time. We paid the hospital basically every cent we had and paid the rest to our rent that month, leaving us completely broke. After a few months we began to feel the financial strain as we battled with my new insurance company and the hospital for coverage for of my procedure. Even though the money was extremely tight, we knew that we could not stop tithing, or giving to the Decade of Destiny. We were believing that if we remained faithful to our giving commitments, that God would be faithful with us.
About halfway through the year, it became particularly rough; we were facing some bills that we could not pay. When our friends asked how we were doing, we casually joked that it would be a “beans and rice” kind of month. But then close church friends invited us over for dinner just so we could have a nice meal out of the house. That same week Christian received a cash gift from another church friend who had heard our story. The next day after that, we received a check in the mail from my dad who wanted to bless his kids but who had no idea how tight our funds had been. We entered church on Sunday with a sense of God’s provision and protection, but we still had a few expenses left that were not yet paid. And when we walked into church we were met with benevolence gift from our Point family, which covered this last expense. This gift was a direct result of the Christmas Share offering.
Because of the generosity of others and the blessing from God, we could pay our bills and get our heads above water. The end of the story is that I was eventually covered completely by insurance and the hospital repaid all the money we spent at the beginning of the year! We were also able to eventually donate the full amount that was given to us to cover the medical expenses of a couple in Laos whose need we learned about through mutual contacts. The amount they needed was the exact amount that we had received. God is so good, and when our circumstances tested our faith, our church family was there to lift us up.
-Georgia & Christian, Cypress Point members
"...trust Him regardless of the circumstances..."
My story it's a little different... I have been faithful giving my tithes (every 2 weeks), DOD II, Christmas sharing offering and other offerings. As of now, I'm living paycheck to paycheck (alimony & child support). My savings have been depleted. In the midst of the adversary I've been experiencing in the last 4 years I have chosen to be faithful to the Lord. I am experiencing difficulties with my ex husband and major issues with my daughter's behavior and mental illness. For years, I have been praying for a breakthrough in her life (God's healing). Sometimes, even if it's for a few hours, I choose to enjoy those moments of peace and joy in my life. The challenges with my daughter keep getting worst as she keeps getting older. As I seek the Lord, I keep hearing Him say stay still and know that I'm God. To trust Him regardless of the circumstances and I have even when I feel so heartbroken. My heart's desire is to continue to be faithful to my Lord and Savior Jesus.
-Mercy, a Cypress Point member
...blessed indeed...
"After listening to message decided to tithe 10 % of my salary “reluctantly”. In January of this year the fruits of my tithing started to appear. First I received a pay raise after 4 years of not getting one. Then in February of this year I received a letter from my town tax office stating they had a check from escrow they had been holding since 2009 and a week later I received a check amounting to $2,000 that I never knew anything about. Then I received $6,000 back in Federal Tax refund after the previous year I had to pay them. Oh and it gets better; April my Boss calls me in his office and presented me with a Merit award certificate for outstanding work and a bonus check for $850.00. Crazy!! But blessed indeed, since my first 90 day offering an unexpected check for overpayment of a loan for $160 showed up in the mail the next day."
-A Cypress Point member