Better Days. Brighter Futures.

When Jesus came to usher in the kingdom of God on earth, He turned the world’s value system upside down. To a culture obsessed with position and power, He modeled servanthood and love. In fact, in His very first public sermon, Jesus announced that He had come "to proclaim good news to the poor ... to set the oppressed free" (Luke 4:18). Compassion and justice for the poor was top on Jesus' mind.

At Cypress Point Church it's top on our minds, too. 

Cypress Point's Compassion & Justice ministries fight local and global poverty and injustice.

Make a Difference

Partner with us to share God's extravagant love with our world.

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Orphan Care

75 young orphans in Laos now have better days and a brighter future.  The people of CPC provide monthly for healthy food to eat, clothes to wear, tuition paid for their education, medical care, and housing in a loving home. 

Thank you to all who generously give to provide for these 75 children.

The Persecuted Church

A group of Christ-followers from the Hmong Tribe in Laos will soon have a building in which to gather.

The people of Cypress Point have donated funds to purchase materials and construct a church building for the Christians in the Muang Xay District, Oudomxay Province. 

In this new building people will come to know the hope and power of Jesus Christ.