4th and 5th grade
Your upper elementary age pre-teens are invited to connect, learn, and have fun on
Sundays at 9:30 & 11am!
Bring 2 friends to join in the fun!
Wondering what to expect?
45 is a Sunday morning experience for kids in 4th or 5th grade. It is the best of both worlds. The cool 45 room is located inside the main building, and is were kids come to connect with friends in their own space with highly trained, fun, and caring adult leaders. They experience a helpful message created just for their age and stage, connection time, and snacks. It's an outrageously wonderful bridge for kids to connect with a loving God, awesome leaders, and great friends.
Online Content
Can't make it to Cypress Point this Sunday?
Click here to watch the 45 Bible lesson for this week.
Parents, download the Parent Activity Guide for some fun follow-up with your kiddo.
God and Me Time
Help your child establish the routine of spending time with God.
Download our free resource, God and Me Time.
Faith Conversations
Looking for some help in leading your child through spiritual discussions?
Download our discussion guide for parents and kids to understand salvation and trusting Jesus.
Download our free Faith Conversation Guide.
There is a guide for every stage, preschool through high school.
Let's Get Social!
Recreate the fun at home with our CP Kids customized playlist.
Be sure to check out that last song for some giggles!
Follow CP Kids by clicking below!